How to Stay Productive During the Working Day

Inspired by a post Becky Sefton wrote ‘How I remain focused’ (post not available now), I decided to write a similar article about productivity. It is easy to become distracted, whether in an office or working from home. In both working environments, various hurdles and situations can arise that can affect productivity.

Here are my tips for workday productivity, please leave a reply with your thoughts and advice.

– Know thyself
Some of us are morning people, others afternoon people or night owls. A lot can depend on other factors such as sleep, food etc. If possible prioritise your more intense daily tasks for when you are at your peek efficiency.

– Food & Drink
If I don’t drink enough throughout the day I can get headaches in the afternoon, also too much caffeine can change how I feel. I eat a good breakfast, snack on fruit and make sure I eat lunch and dinner. I don’t priortise sleep over breakfast these days, and when out and about I have a bottle of water to hand and often a piece of food.

– Breaks!
Breaks are good and I am very bad at taking them. Having a proper lunch hour helps, even if I don’t feel I have the time. I feel refreshed, usually motivated and have new ideas for tasks in-hand. I often speak to my better half at lunch and that cheers me up. Also recently I’ve been using my lunch hour to take a stroll for exercise, the fresh air and change of environment does me good, plus I can feed my photography habit. Other times I will read a chapter of a book. Whatever the situation giving myself a chance to relax for a while away from the phone, email and workload helps.

– Distractions
Social networks can be a distraction, checking email too often another. Plus those working from home can be faced with personal distractions. It is no different in the office as colleagues can prove a major distraction also. Setting your boundaries and finding the right balance is important. Though some distractions can be good, a quick chat with someone and making a drink. Also consider changing a routine and rearranging tasks to make the day feel different.

– Sleep
Back in the day I went to pubs, bars and nightclubs during the working week or spent time with friends passed midnight, only to get up early for work. Other times I watched television until late. For years now I’ve changed my ways and even though I’ve not mastered getting enough sleep consistently each night, I sleep more than I used to. Result being more refreshed, happier and yes more productive.

– Stress
Stress can impact productivity. Colleagues, workload, job problems, personal issues whatever the stress it can make an impact. Tackling those tough tasks you’ve been putting off, not responding to text messages during working hours, not feeding a colleague moaning or allowing others to make you unhappy and depress you. Plus seeking help from others could be ways forward to combating stress. Obviously those suggestions are the tip of the iceberg, it is important you take steps to combat stress.

– Colleagues and Bosses
Relationships with colleagues and bosses can aid productivity. Too many people have out-dated views on employer – employee relationships. I like an office that is energised, fun and a team effort. I’ve run teams before and found most are more motivated, empowered and go the extra distance to help each other when I put this in place. This then feeds productivity and also happiness. When people have bent over backwards for me I’ve brought them gifts or taken them out for lunch. I don’t care if it was their job to do it or whether they went out of their way, at the end of the day someone being helpful is their choice.

So what is the point of being productive? Both you and those around you benefit. It can result in progress and the personal benefits can be mental well being, financial and more available time. Productivity isn’t just a tick on the task list, it means much more.

I’m sure I’ve missed out a ton of good advice. Please leave a reply with your thoughts.

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Becky Sefton
14 years ago

Hi Andrew – a great post and fantastic advice!! I will enforce some of this into my own life style. I think the advice under “know thyself” is the most relevant to me. Some days I’m at my peak in the mornings, other times it is the evening – much depends because I have to pace myself throughout the day.


14 years ago

Great productivity tips Andrew – I really need to get more sleep and focus more on eating better, with just a touch more exercise. I’m hoping that a combination of these things will see me less stressed and more productive throughout the year.