How to Backup and Upgrade a DogeCoin Wallet

This blog post is about how to backup and upgrade a DogeCoin wallet.

Warning: Please note this blog post was published in 2014 and I don’t know whether it is out of date or not! You use any instructions in this blog post at your own risk!

Okay I’ve not run the Microsoft Windows DogeCoin Wallet software in a while, and at the time of writing version 1.5 is available, and the version I had installed was 1.2! Worse yet there has been an issue with a block chain, and it was replaced. Apparently without the upgrade, I can’t use the crypto-currency.

DogeCoinNote: This blog post has been written for Microsoft Windows users. Also you follow my advice and instructions at your own risk! You can not hold me responsive for any problems or financial losses!


How to backup the DogeCoin wallet.

Do not even attempt an application upgrade without first backing up your wallet.

  1. To find your wallet.dat file, browse to your Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\DogeCoin directory.
  2. Now backup the wallet.dat file.


How to upgrade the software.

Actually it is more about replacing the software. Before you begin, please make sure you’ve backed up your wallet.dat file.

  1. Download the latest software, which at the time of writing was version 1.5. I’ve linked to the version you extract yourself, and not the setup application. You want to install another version, depending on your current setup. *
  2. Extract the files to a directory location you wish to use.
  3. Run the dogecoin-qt application.

* Obviously this guide could become outdated quite quickly. So to find the latest version, please click here.


Now straight away it was saying I was 8 weeks behind (which I thought was incorrect!) on synchronising and it started to reindex blocks on disk. It also showed my wallet with a 0.00 balance, and all my doge as unconfirmed! Also my ‘recent transactions’ were out of sync.

DogeCoin walletAbout a quarter of the way through the sync process, my balance returned to normal. The whole synchronisation process took at least a couple of hours. I’m not actually sure how long, as I walked away and came back later.

I’ve not used the crypto-currency and software for a while, so the long synchronisation procedure should have been expected.

On a related note, I hadn’t looked at in a while, and it was great to see that DogeCoin has climbed the list! I think the last time I looked, it was around fourteenth position, and it is currently in fifth!

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