Free Digital Delights in the UK

This blog post is about free online digital resources I’ve used covering eBooks, television shows and other freebies.

If I was to have a real-time UK daily cost calculator in a form akin to a taxi metre, I’m sure on occasion those digits would spiral out of control, blurring and sparking with special effects a Hollywood summer blockbuster would be proud of. So when I see a free digital delight, I’m not one to shy away, but I embrace, cherish and make sweet passionate…. wait what?

Many turn to illegal content, but there is an abundance of legally free digital content for you to pig out on. You just need to know how to stay informed!

Martin’s Money Tips

I’ve subscribed to Martin’s Money Tips, a great email for those living in the UK. To my delight it was within that very email that I discovered, and have since been devouring the free trial offer from NowTV, soaking up one Hollywood blockbuster after another.

Martin's Money Tips


The RSS feed via Google Reader for the freebie section of HotUKDeals is a daily pilgrimage, where I sighted the free e-magazine deal between my library, another organisation and Zinio. The result being, I’ve just polished off, mopping up with bread the latest edition of New Scientist on my tablet.


Free eBooks

Project Gutenberg and Amazon both provide a mountain of free digital books, a delectation for my literature cravings.

The free digit delights supplement my outgoings. I don’t bath in the ‘free’, and will often pass on items, not just out of taste or quality, but due to where I wish to devote my precious time.

So what are you missing out on? Subscribe, read, devour and digest, and perhaps you will also enjoy a legally free digital delight or two. In the comments let me know about your digital freebies.

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