So I’ve placed a few RSS feeds into the right column on this blog. One of these being for guest posts I write. So people visiting the blog can easily see my latest posts elsewhere.
Now I was going to use yahoo pipes to create the rss feed, but their site wasn’t working when I visited, so I’ve taken a temporary route until I revisit their site. So expect a post at a later date with my yahoo pipes solution or my own coded “less hassle involved” solution.
So here is what I originally wanted:
To create a RSS feed from a file on my server, add some star dust (php code on my site) , say a few magic words (yahoo pipes) and turn this into a RSS feed.
What I actually did:
Wrote the RSS file whilst drinking a mug of tea and chucked it into Google Feedburner. It took five minutes and then I went and crashed on the couch to read.
Benefits of Google Feedburner?
Google feedburner takes a RSS feed and then can present people with a RSS feed more suitable to their requirements. Plus you can view stats, turning email subscription options on, add adsense… okay I didn’t want any of that.
So currently I need to write a new entry in my own rss file for google feedburner to automatically add to it’s own rss file. At a later date when I do look at Yahoo Pipes or code together my own solution, I can just update what Google Feedburner uses and anyone subscribed won’t notice the change or have to fiddle about with a new RSS feed.
Create your own rss file:
1. Using a text editor like notepad++ create a file called feeds.rss
2. Paste the following:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ ?>
<rss version=”2.0″>
<title>Title of your feed</title>
<description>Description of your feed</description>
<title>Title of the Blog post</title>
<description>A snippet of the contents of the blog post. A few sentences perhaps.</description>
<link>Link to the blog post.</link>
<pubDate>Sun, 22 May 2010</pubDate>
3. Change the contents to your requirements and then every time you need to add a new RSS entry create a new <item></item> section above the last.
4. Then optionally add this rss file to Google Feedburner or Yahoo Pipes for further formatting etc if required.
Takes a 1-2 minutes to update your own rss file from now on. Not ideal, but okay for a stop gap.